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'Lefkara sensibility' series, 2017acrylic on canvas and wood | Lefkara sensibility, 2017acrylic on canvas and wood 60 x 60cm | detail of 'Lefkara Sensibility' |
detail of 'Lefkara Sensibility' | detail of 'Lefkara Sensibility' seri | Untitled, 2017wood, acrylic paint, gold leaf, copper sheet 20 x 45cm |
Apollo's lyrewood, acrylic paint, gold leaf, copper sheet 70 x 25cm | The Wheel of Life, 2014acrylic on canvas, diameter 35cm | The Chandelier, 2014acrylic on canvas, 30 x 30cm |
Village Walk, 2014acrylic on canvas and mixed media 25 x 25cm | detail of 'Village Walk' | detail of 'Village Walk' |
Untitled 2,oil paints on canvas 35 x 60cm | Untitled 1oil paints on canvas 35 x 60cm | Dancing with the wavesacrylic on board, 56 x 70cm |
Untitledacrylic on board, 56 x 70cm | The Harmony Withinacrylic on board, 56 x 70cm | From the depths to heightsacrylic on board, 56 x 70cm |
In the swirl of life we flow- seriesacrylic on board | In the swirl of life we flow #1acrylic on canvas 36 x 57 cm | In the swirl of life we flow #2acrylic on canvas 36 x 57 cm |
In the swirl of life we flow #3acrylic on canvas 36 x 57 cm | In the swirl of life we flow #4acrylic on canvas 36 x 57 cm | In the sunset the seabirds soaracrylic on board, 32 x 51cm |
On the wings of joy we flyacrylic on board, 32 x 51cm | The Warrior, 2008oil on wood. 15 x 10 cm | The Wanderer, 2008oil on wood, 15 x 10 cm |
Untitled, 2008oil paint on wood. 10 x 15cm | The Lover, 2008oil paint on wood. 10 x 15cm | The Altruist, 2008oil paint on wood. 10 x 15cm |
The Transcended Truth, 2008oil paint on canvas, 25 x 40cm | Alchemy of Archetypes, 2008oil paint on canvas, 25 x 40cm | Journey-Entering the Mysteries,2008oil paint on canvas, 25 x 40cm |
Recreation, 2008oil on canvas, 2 x 5m | detail Recreation, 2008oil on canvas | From Duality to Wholeness, 2008oil on canvas. 1 x 1.5m |
Bird Lady, 2008oil paint on wood | Astral, 2013oil on canvas, 1.5 x 2 m ,private commision | detail of 'Astral'oil on canvas, 1.5 x 2 m ,private commision |
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